Internet Business Solutions Ltd
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Custom Database Creation & Design
Dynamic web page creation, one database can drive several websites, product searching, easy to update and can be linked to your stock control system.

IBS (Internet Business Solutions) Ltd. A database can be used for a variety of reasons. The main use of a website database is to make the website dynamic. A dynamic website will be able to modify itself, depending upon user input and the information stored in the database. Dynamic, data-driven websites can transform levels of customer service by providing your customers with realtime information.

If you are unfamiliar with the term as it relates to the web, a database is a structured collection of information or data. It can be anything from a list of email addresses to a catalog of products including the descriptions, pricing and image paths relating to those products. Database technology can facilitate site content management, information dissemination, and the online collection of survey data.

Using a database adds powerful interactivity and provides visitors with real-time, tailored information. Information that you and your staff can change at any time, from anywhere, with no technical skills being necessary.

The database is one of the cornerstones of information technology, and its ability to organise, process and manage information in a structured and controlled manner is key to many aspects of modern business efficiency.

Protected administration screens
Behind the scenes, the website typically has a secure password-protected administration interface through which you or your staff can add, update or delete records on the database. Database driven websites are ideal for companies who need to make frequent changes to their website.
Search or Interrogation Facilities
A database can allow your website to offer your customers search facilities, whereby the visitor can search for a particular product/service. Once a visitor types into the search boxes, the software automatically interrogates the database which contains the latest data for related products and then display the products for the website visitor.
One Database to Drive Many Websites
Another great advantage is that if you own more than one website and wish the same information to appear in all websites then one database can drive all your websites with each website extracting the information it needs for it's pages. You only have to do the work once! Enter the details into the database and it will automatically propagate all your websites.
Products Database
Rather than having to wade through your product list to find what they want, products databases allow your visitors to select categories, search product descriptions, view related products and accessories, and most importantly - to select a product and see a further detailed description.
Catalogue Database
Whatever you are selling whether it be cars, houses or glassware we can create web page listings backed by a database that's easy for for you to manage. Visitors who use your website will be able to find what they are looking for by, area, price, type, description, etc., and displays photos and descriptions of every item. The database system can even be linked in to your stock control system.

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